MathWallet 是 Web3 时代的多链钱包,产品包括 APP 钱包、网页钱包、浏览器插件钱包、硬件钱包等,且支持 BTC、ETH、Polkadot、Filecoin、Solana、BSC等100多个公链,支持去中心化的跨链交易,构建了一个多链的 DApp 生态系统。MathWallet 的投资人包括分布式资本、Alameda Research、Binance Labs、FundamentalLabs、Multicoin Capital、NGC Ventures 、Amber Group、6Eagle等著名区块链投资机构。
What is Berachain?
Berachain's execution layer is identical to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) runtime environment seen on Ethereum Mainnet. This means that it uses existing unmodified execution clients like Geth, Reth, Erigon, Nethermind, and more to handle executing smart contracts, and supports all the tooling that comes native with the EVM.
Identical means that whenever the EVM is upgraded, Berachain can adopt the latest version—for example, Dencun—straight out of the box. This includes compatibility with all RPC namespaces and endpoints and any improvements made to execution clients could be applied immediately to Berachain.